
Support and contact details
Most cases will be answered immediately or within 24 hours (weekdays). However, complicated cases may take a little longer.

Phone support weekdays 10 -12 tel. +46 76 20-0880 220. 220.

Frequent answers:
* For subscriptions, extensions and prices informations see this page.

Frequent answers:

Consult the following pages for the manual's information about

* FA
* Companies
* Selection/Search

Frequent answers:
* See the header Operational Status to the right, our Twitter account, or our Forum, for known errors.
* Newly listed companies or history corrections for e g splits are normally updated the following day.

Frequent answers:
* Doesn't update: See the header Operational Status to the right, our Twitter account, or our Forum, for known errors.
* Crashes/doesn't update:  Select the  Windows Start menu->Applications->ChartSignals->"ChartSignals Explorer". Thereafter select  Support/help  and tick "Clear window settings" and "Restore quote database" and click  OK. Start up ChartSignals again.

Frequent answers:
* Read the manual's information about Portfolio.
* Frequent answers to portfolio questions are found here or in our Forum.

Frequent answers:

View the manual's information about

* HkScript
* Strategies & Signals.

A lot of information can also be found in our Forum.

Frequent answers
* Read here about i the manual or in our  Forum.
* For the WT Version consult the webpage here .

Frequent answers:
* For moving to a new computer or backup comsult the manual here.
* Installation on Mac/Windows consult the the manual here.

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Länk till admin-hjälp

Write to us:

  Phone support Monday- Thursday 10-12 
  Ph.+46 20  0880 220

Phone support weekdays 10-12 ph. +46 20 0880 220.



Time: 18:01, 12 December 24 Status: 7 services running OK out of 7, incoming events per minute 1617.72